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About Me

Introducing myself in writing always feels awkward. I am very much a people person and would much rather meet your judging gazes while forming your first impression of me in a face to face setting. Being denied that here, however, I will have to think creatively to give you a sense of the person I am.

I take my Art very seriously, and enjoy mixing practical processes with the current technologies. I have worked in visual media for over 20 years, as well as extensively studying Art, History and Technology. I then use said knowledge to create my various mixed media projects.


Photography has dominated my focus for the last 8 years, and I have become well known for my proficiencies in Photoshop; blending reality with imagination.  Please see the Manipulation section of my galleries for examples of this, as well as a brief visual break down of how I have accomplished each piece.

Personally, I believe that while Art can be beautiful, it needs to carry a message... to say something. I have been shifting my focus in the last couple of years to ensure my projects have more meaning than the average "instagram fodder" that's so ubiquitous in social media today. 

In addition to work, charity has become a big part of my life. Over the years, I have been involved in many charitable and non-profit organizations, for people and animals.

“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.”


— Alfred Stieglitz

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